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25 Results in Economy & Industry Clear Filters
Housing Market Statistics and HPI Tool - Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA)
Historical benchmark housing prices for Canadian markets.
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Housing Reports - Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
Reports on Canada's housing and rental markets.
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Housing Statistics - Calgary Real Estate Board (CREB)
Monthly and historical housing reports for Calgary and area.
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Investment Map of Calgary - Calgary Economic Development
Our interactive investment map highlights the foreign direct investment (FDI) that has taken plan in the Calgary area over the past 6 years.
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Numbeo Cost of Living
Numbeo provides current and timely information on cost of living for cities and countries worldwide.
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Real Estate - Calgary Economic Development
Learn more about Calgary's real estate landscape.
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Sector Brochures - Business Events Canada
Download brochures for sectors such as Life Sciences, Information & Communication Technology, Agriculture, Aerospace, CleanTech, Natural Resources and Advanced Manufacturing.
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Small Business Microsite - Calgary Economic Development
Find local information to help your business make smarter, faster, better decisions.
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Tourism Calgary
Visit Calgary has everything you're looking for to plan your vacation or become the ultimate host in Calgary Canada. Features an extensive and updated calendar of events, an interactive map of Calgary and specially-themed lists of unique and popular experiences.
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Why Calgary: Our Economy in Depth - Calgary Economic Development
This monthly report focuses on seven key areas while comparing Calgary to other major Canadian cities; Trade, Real Estate, Livability, Labour Market, Economy, Business and Demographics.
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