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Mapping Calgary's Digital Future: Tech Employment Opportunities for Displaced Workers
In collaboration with the Information & Communications Technology Council (ICTC), Calgary Economic Development conducted a study to better understand the most in-demand digital occupations and their associated skill sets in the city. Profiles of highly-skilled displaced occupations - mainly from the oil & gas sector - were completed, showcasing the relevant skills that these workers already had, compared to upskilling requirements.
Global Innovation Ecosystems Review
This report provides a jurisdictional review and trajectory analysis of leading innovation ecosystems. It provides examples and insights from leading regions, including Austin, Texas; Greater Helsinki, Finland; Tel-Aviv, Israel; Toronto-Waterloo and Montreal, on how Calgary can strengthen its innovation ecosystem to unlock opportunities for more sustainable growth.
Alberta Esports Strategy 2022
Alberta is in the game to become a global esports hub. With a strong competitive video gaming community, record innovation investment and an established esports association, Alberta is ready to seize the billion-dollar opportunity. The Alberta Esports Strategy identifies four pillars to form the foundation of a robust esports ecosystem.
Building for the Future Report
Calgary Economic Development and the Government of Alberta have the opportunity to collaborate and create a sustainable, prosperous future for Albertans. We identify several opportunities for collaboration that would help position the Calgary region as a competitive jurisdiction that creates long-term prosperity and opportunities for all.
The Digital Talent Imperative: Calgary's Economic Edge
In 2018, ICTC and Calgary Economic Development released the report Mapping Calgary’s Digital Future: Tech Employment Opportunities for Displaced Workers. This first-of-its-kind analysis showcased employment pathways for workers displaced from the city’s energy sector to in-demand jobs in tech. With economic growth historically dependent on the energy sector, the 2015 oil crash caused a downturn for the city that left many highly skilled workers in need of new opportunities. Simultaneously, the city’s tech sector was beginning to scale. This report, The Digital Imperative: Calgary’s Economic Edge, leverages a skill mapping methodology like Mapping Calgary’s Digital Future to identify employment pathways for a new set of displaced to in-demand occupations.

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